
Analysing Shots in WALL-E.

This is a medium, birds eye view shot. Wall-e has been postioned in the middle of the frame and the focus is on his eye's but the background is blurred. You can see 'emotion' through his eyes, even though it's an animation. Also you can see the stars reflected in his eyes, showing how small he is and that alone he is on earth.

This is a long wide shot, where wall - e is in focus in the foreground, where you can see the whole of him is in shot. Also the red hot lava gives the shot a unique colour. Things can slso be seen in the backround, such as EVA, who are out of focus. Although it is a long shot you can still see the emotion in his eyes but not as vividly as in a medium or close up shot. The thirds rule has been used where WALL-E and EVA are in the second third sections along.

This is extreme long shot, where an amazing sunset scene can be seen in the background. Most of the light in the seen is coming from the sunset it's self, however in the foreground there is some multi - coloured fairy lights have been added around EVA, which subtely add to the light of scene. Junk or rubbish has been added around the 'base' of the frame to fill the scene out a bit and this really shows a huge contrast between the junk and the awesome sunset in behind. The scene has a pink feel to it, which adds a romantic feel to the whole scene. As well, the mulit coloured lights add a bit of fun to the scene.

This long shot creates an amazing feel with the repitition of the escape pods. Although not much of the background can be seen, you can see far down the row of pods. The active pod has been placed slightly off center to give the scene a bit more of style. The main sorce of light comes from the active pod, where WALL-E is sat. The whole of the main ship is a grey colour, the lights coming from the active pod are white and the background is black, this gives the scene a very cold feel, which is right for a scene set in deep space.

This is an example of a low angle shot in WALL-E, It is if the camera is placed inside the tube that he is about to climb down. The tube is dark and grungy from what you can see in the foreground (which is out of focus) but you can still see the green and greyish colours. This gives the scene unique lighting, with the source of light streaming in from the top of the tube, and also from WALL-E's lighting on his body. Again he has been placed slightly off center and is close enough to see the expression in his eyes. The eyes say to me 'Am I really about to go down there?'

This long shot looks very good, It has a brilliant blue colour and this gives most of the light to the scene. You can see half a frame of background but most of the frame is taken with the 'solar star' kind of things. WALL-E is near the middle but has been put slightly of center. You cannot see any emotion in this scene as his face is turned away from the camera.

This medium-long shot uses very low key lighting to create a un easy atmosphere, however the 'chubby captain' character creates a comic feel to the scene. The focus is close as it focuses on the captain, and you can see 'EVA' in the backround, out of focus.

This medium/close up shot conveys alot of fear through, the low key lighting, the up close camera and the red light. The low key lighting creates an un easy feel, whilst the red (a colour linked to fear/evil) light in the steering creates a fearful atmosphere, while the up close shot makes the viewer focus on this.

This long shot of EVA and WALL-E creates a feeling that it is in control, as you can see everything in the frame and in the backround. The green light also